Thanks to the hard work of many people, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) is one of the leading societies in computing. Many great events have been sponsored by the CS, fostering quality of research and building fascinating communities. I have been participating in (as well as co-organizing) CS sponsored events for the last decade. Many of them inspired me, providing feedback to my own research, showing me new ideas, introducing new topics, and connecting me to colleagues from all over the world. It is an honor for me to serve as a member of the CS Executive Committee and help the Computer Society to provide similar experiences to all its members. The mid- and long-term success of the Computer Society will depend on how well we provide value to our members. The more we continue playing a leading role on technological advancement together with our strategic partners, the more we can fulfill our mission on shaping, empowering and guiding the future enabling new opportunities to better serve our world.
If elected, my objectives are to:
- maintain and enhance the scientific quality of the sponsored events and publications,
- find reasonable solutions for new opportunities like open access, J1C2, and hybrid conferences within sponsored events,
- strengthen the relationship with our strategic partners including industry to promote scientific results that solve real-world problems,
- find additional strategic partners to explore new technical areas, and
- ensure equal chances for each member from our diversified membership including measures to maintain diversity and inclusion.
Nils Aschenbruck is a Full Professor for Computer Science at Osnabrück University, Germany. His research focus is on dependable and robust networked systems including scenario modeling, traffic engineering, and network security. Dr. Aschenbruck has received over 35 external grants from both government funding agencies and industry. In total, his projects have received over 6 million euros in external funding. He has published over 100 refereed papers in international journals and conference proceedings.
Dr. Aschenbruck served as reviewer nationally as well as internationally including Humboldt, DFG, BMBF, and NATO-SPS. From 2013 to 2017 he was the chair of the IEEE CS Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), from 2016 to 2017 the chair of the IEEE CS Technical Activities Committee (TAC), and from 2020 to 2022 as well as 2023 to 2025 an elected member of the IEEE CS Board of Governors. Currently he is serving as 2nd Vice President of the IEEE CS as well as a member of the IEEE CS Publications Board Executive Committee. He is the chair of the Steering Committee of IEEE-TMC and a Steering Committee member of IEEE-LCN, IEEE-IPCCC as well as a member of the IEEE OJ-CS Editorial Board.
Dr. Aschenbruck received his graduate diploma and PhD in computer science from Bonn University, Germany, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. He continued as a senior researcher and head of the research area "tactical wireless multi-hop networks" at the communication systems group of Bonn University, Germany. In spring 2010, he worked at the Colorado School of Mines, USA for a term, co-funded by DAAD. Since 2012 he holds a full professorship for distributed systems at Osnabrück University. Since 2017 he serves as department head of the Computer Science department as well as member of the dean’s council.
IEEE Computer Society Activities
(Listing only Program Chair, General Chair, and Steering Committee. Please find an extensive list
- IEEE LCN: Program Chair 2014, General Chair 2015, Steering Committee since 2016
- IEEE IPCCC: Program Chair 2019, General Chair 2022, Steering Committee since 2023
Committees or Boards
- IEEE CS Executive Committee as 2nd Vice President [2024]
- IEEE CS Publications Board Executive Committee [2024]
- IEEE CS Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Cooperation [2024] (chairing)
- IEEE CS Publications Ad Hoc Committee on Reviewing and Standardizing MOUs [2024] (chairing)
- IEEE CS Publications Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity and Representation [2024]
- IEEE CS T&C Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability for CS-sponsored Events [2024]
- IEEE CS Ad Hoc Committee on Revisiting Strategic Cooperations [2024] (chairing)
- IEEE CS BoG [2019-2022]+[2023-2025] (2nd term ended 2023 due to election as 2nd VP)
- IEEE CS Ad Hoc Committee on Scientist at Risk [2023] (chairing)
- IEEE CS Ad Hoc Committee on Future of Conferences [2022]
- IEEE CS Nominations Committee [2021]
- IEEE CS Ad Hoc Committee on Open Science and Reproducibility [2020]
- IEEE CS Technical Activities Committee (TAC) [2016-2017] (chairing)
- IEEE CS Technical & Conference Activities Board Executive Committee [2016-2017]
- IEEE CS Technical Meeting Request Committee [2015]
- IEEE CS Technical Com. on Computer Communications (TCCC) ExCom [since 2013] (chairing [2013-2017])
As TAC chair, we have made significant improvements, e.g., grouping TCs in affinity groups, implementing the new financial model.
As BoG member, I have contributed to Ad hocs on “Open Science and Reproducibility” and “Future of Conferences”. Both are very important, strategic challenges for CS.
In 2023, I have led an Ad hoc to scope and define a proposal for IEEE Computer Society's role in supporting scientists at risk.
This year, I am leading an Ad hoc to revisit the existing cooperation and models for cooperation of the IEEE Computer Society within IEEE and beyond. Within this Ad hoc we will identify potential new (strategic) partners and models for cooperation.
While volunteering for the IEEE Computer Society, I have made the following contributions:
- successfully chairing one of the TCs in the highest ranked category including successful open access trials within sponsored conferences
- making TAC an interactive board that helps working on the core challenges for the society bottom up included grouping TCs into affinity groups
- contributing to help CS making progress on open science and reproducibility
- contributing to help CS identifying (hybrid) models after the pandemic
- supporting scientists at risk by defining the role of CS and measures how CS can help
The opinions on this page are mine and are not necessarily those of the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE, or Osnabrück University.