AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AICOM | AI Communications |
AI EDAM | Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and |
Manufacturing | |
CACM | Communications of the ACM |
CSUR | ACM Computing Surveys |
DISKI | Dissertationen zur Künstlichen Intelligenzw |
ECS | Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science |
ENTCS | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science |
IJAIT | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools |
JACM | Journal of the ACM |
JAIR | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research |
JFLP | Journal of Functional and Logic Programming |
LNCS | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
MITECS | The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences |
PAMI | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
TOCHI | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction |