Version history for the YACS constraint solver framework. version 0.1.1 (November 3, 2005): * Method "addConstraint()" in class "" was revised for generating a handsome syntax tree when a constraint expression including multiple primitive constraints were passed to the method call. * Method "inconsistent()" in class "" was renamed "isInconsistent()". * Done some minor corrections of the Javadoc documentation. * Added the source code of the class "YacsTester" missing in the foregoing 0.1 release. * Added "" und "" for Linux support. * Added TODO list for the YACS project in the distributive archive. * Moved the JAR of YACS in an own directory named "dist". * Integrated README.TXT and CHANGELOG.TXT in the distributive archive. version 0.1 (October 19, 2005): * initial release