YACS - TODO List (November 3, 2005) functional: 1. Additional operators (!=, <, >, <=, >=) for the evaluation of interval constraints (method "narrow()" in class "IntervalDomain"). 2. Automatic decomposition of interval constraints as preprocessing solver. 3. Revision of the simple existing interval constraint solver "HullConsistencySolver" (addition of termination criteria). 4. Checking for redundant solutions of a search process, if the domains were incremental modified (different object references). 5. Addition of the dom/deg heuristic to "SingleSolutionBTSolver"(?) 6. Additional standard finite domain solvers (forward checking, conflict directed backjumping, improved AC-3, etc.). 7. Additional finite domain solvers for converting and handling n-ary constraints as preprocessing. 8. Meta search allowing real meta constraint processing (also revision of the "evaluate()" method of the YCM in respect of an outer iteration). non-functional: 1. Allowing to set the path to constraint solving strategies and DTD via Java properties. 2. Allowing to set the log level of log4j via Java properties. 3. Revision of "YacsTester" (redundant try/catch?). 4. Translation of the API documentation, comments in source code and output (logging and test program) to english language. 5. Writing an (english) user manual.